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Visit: Publish Time:2017-08-19
Different seasons drug freezer temperature control value is completely different, freezers in winter gear need to keep the above four files, medical freezer temperature need to control in above ten degrees below zero, general winter temperature is very low, the equipment is easy to achieve control of temperature, temperature setting is very high, if the equipment can cause equipment open time is too short to set the freezing temperature of equipment is difficult to achieve, if the ambient temperature under 16 degrees, the equipment should be in five gears, gear if ambient temperature is below 10 degrees, then the equipment of gear can adjust to the six or seven, if the ambient temperature is very low, 5 degrees in the following, you can put drugs in the equipment external storage.
Winter temperature is too low, the drug inside the freezer temperature setting needs to be completed by temperature control equipment and freezer system matching, if the environment temperature is too low, the equipment has just opened a few minutes would automatically shut off, the temperature of the ice box difficult to meet the need of medical supplies to temperature, so the medical freezer cannot place where the temperature is too low, freezers surroundings temperature not less than five degrees, if less than five degrees, people need to move the equipment to warmer places to restart the run.
In summer, the actual effect of drug refrigerators will be affected by the surrounding environment, the use of the freezer will be affected by a certain time and power consumption situation, higher temperature in summer, equipment gear in the second gear can satisfy the need.